The library consists of 10 'shelves' each with ten 'books'. Normal progression in the tutorial and in the test is to start at the left of each 'shelf' and work to the right.
Each 'shelf' corresponds to a subject area which is described by the text on the left of the 'shelf'.
Each 'book' corresponds to a single topic. This topic is displayed under the bottom 'shelf' when the mouse pointer is on a 'book'.
The state of the 'books' are coded to indicate the following:
Closed and upright with a blue cover: This 'book' has yet to be viewed by the current user.
Closed and lying flat with a red cover: This 'book' has been viewed by the current user.
Open: This 'book' is the position on that shelf of the current users tutorial. If it has a blue cover, it has yet to be looked at, where as it will have a red cover if it has been viewed by the current user.
On each 'shelf' there is a green marker under one of the 'books' . This indicates the position on that 'shelf' reached in the test by the current user.
To view a 'book', simply click on it. Other 'books' can be viewed by either returning to the main library 'shelves' after reading a 'book' or by skipping from 'book to 'book'. (Look at the help file associated with reading a book.)
To end your session in the library, simply click on the 'Exit' button.